Editorial design


Stories in sound

What would we see if the act of music became visible?


To capture Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music story of 100 years in a publication, honouring and celebrating institution’s centenary. How do you tell a story of 100 years without showing the expected historical data? How to show appreciation to tradition, talent and music pedagogy that has raised our countries greatest musicians?


A publication that celebrates personalities, talent and stories that made them. In order to create music one must put in the countless hours to strive for excellence. However, the listeners can hardly comprehend what goes inside the process. What would we see if the act of music became visible? What strokes would musicians create if their instruments were dipped in paint…? The goal of design was to embody the rhythm and vibration of music — through layout, experimental graphics and powerful photography.

A crucial part of experiencing the publication is the use of AR app by Overly. By scanning the painted images one can see the process behind the visual experiment and the pages suddenly become alive. To evaluate in-depth the contents of the publication, we kindly suggest to download Overly application and examine augmented reality of vellum pages.

Project team